A week of work experience!
We were joined during 24th-28th June 2019 by Eleanor for her work experience – we’ll soon publish the pages she produced for us, but in the meantime here’s her experience of working for Healthwatch Trafford!
This week I have…
- Worked with a lovely group of people
- Interviewed a Children’s Rights Officer
- Learnt more about social work

I arrived at 9 o’clock and was greeted by Katherine. She took me on a quick tour of the building and I met the people I would be sharing an office with this week.
We went into the office and discussed what Healthwatch trafford was/ what they did and what I will be doing to help them. She knew I had an interest in social care, and they didn’t have a page for it on the YouthwatchTrafford website, so I’d help with that. I then got stared on researching what social workers do.
On Tuesday I got into the office and went over what I was doing that day, and I got to it.
I researched more about care in the local community (Trafford).
When I came in on Wednesday I found out that I would be going to Trafford Town Hall to meet a Children’s Rights Officer, and talk to him about what he did in the care system. I had written questions to ask him, and he answered them (soon to be published as a new social care Q & A page).
For me, I found it very helpful and interesting. It helped me to understand the different roles inside care.
On Thursday Adam helped me to learn how to edit the website and add new pages. I wrote up the answers the Children’s rights officer gave in a new page.
After I finished that page I started the main, ‘Social Care’ page. I put the notes I had taken over the past few days into short to make sure the people reading it get the key information straight away. This way they will get the information needed for themselves as quick as possible as they may need it then and there; for example needing to speak to someone as quick as possible.
On Friday, it was the last day of working at Healthwatch Trafford and with the people there. The atmosphere was always welcoming in the office, they made me feel comfortable when I was nervous. I added pictures to the Social Work page, adding little parts that weren’t there previously to improve it.
I have enjoyed my work experience here very much. From the people I have had the pleasure working with to the opportunities I have had.
By: Eleanor Clarke