Our summary: Healthwatch Trafford’s Coronavirus survey

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Last year Healthwatch Trafford asked people for their experiences of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020. They wanted to hear how people felt towards health and care services and how COVID-19 has impacted their lives.
During July-September 2020, 250 people responded to the survey – 25 aged 17 and under. Healthwatch Trafford published a report on their findings in November 2020 and we’ve written our own summary which you can now read!

Healthwatch Trafford are asking again for people’s views and we want as many young people as possible to respond!

You can help local health services understand what young people need by filling in the survey here: healthwatchtrafford.co.uk

By Luis

We are Youthwatch Trafford, young volunteers age 14-18 who help Healthwatch Trafford.
