We’re recruiting! Volunteer with Youthwatch Trafford!
Are you age 14 to 18, interested in health, social care or young people’s rights and want to give something back to your local area? Time to get involved!
Youthwatch Trafford are Healthwatch Trafford’s young volunteers age 14-18. Our Youthwatch team bring us a fresh perspective, helping us to communicate with other young people in Trafford – finding out what they think and finding out if services for young people are doing a good job.
- Youthwatch Champions volunteer within their school / college and represent us at public events and meetings, spreading the word about us, giving out information about health and care services & encouraging other young people to share their feelings about Trafford health and care services.
- Youthwatch Media Squad volunteers run this website youthwatchtrafford.co.uk – information about local health and social care for young people, by young people. They run social media, create posters, make videos, you name it!
Find out more about what Youthwatch Trafford have been up to at youthwatchtrafford.co.uk/news/
Interested? What to do next:
- Read our Volunteer Pack to find out more and then complete our application form (go to https://healthwatchtrafford.co.uk/get-involved/young-people/ to download the form)
- We’ll give you an induction, training and ongoing support and we’ll cover the cost of your transport. We meet up once a term and there are no set hours for volunteering (we plan around your other commitments).
- You’ll expand your skills, gain confidence and experience, get a reference and help us make things better!
Questions? Email our Volunteer Coordinator Katherine Bays at info@healthwatchtrafford.co.uk call us on 03009000303 or text/whatsapp us on 07480615478