Youthwatch Trafford guide to living during the Corona pandemic
Youthwatch Trafford volunteer Madhia has written this guide to living healthily during the Corona pandemic.
Let us know if you have any more ideas to add by emailing
First of all, during this time you must be: 
- Staying at home.
- Social distancing, this means not meeting people from other households regardless of whether you’re related to them or they are your friends.
- Staying 2 metres apart from other people when you do leave the house.
- Only leaving the house for vital things i.e. food and medicine.
- Washing hands regularly.
- Paying attention to new government announcements – I wrote this page in early May 2020 so the situation might change. Check out our Coronavirus facts page to sort the real from the fake news.
Stay on top of tasks
It is also important that you keep in contact with your friends and family, to maintain a sense of routine. You could also stick to your school routine times, for a sense of normalcy. You should stay on top of your work, just because we’re out of school now doesn’t mean we won’t be going back at some point. Which means we need to be up to date with all our work.
I found it helpful to create weekly lists of things I need to get done, so I
can stay organised and focused. I’ve also been adding in ALL THE THINGS I’ve been putting off doing. As now is kind of the perfect time to do that stuff as we’re not going anywhere.
Find new things to do
We also need to be thinking of ourselves, as not being able to leave the house can be quite a strain on us, and not being able to do the things we usually do or see our friends. These things can all be quite difficult. Ensure you’re getting some exercise – you can do this by taking a walk in the sunshine, perhaps to your local park or around your area. And keep yourself busy, take up new hobbies, knitting, creative writing, baking.
Here’s some links of great new things you can try:
Get help if you need it
As I said earlier, this is a stressful time, so it’s understandable that you may need assistance. The important thing to remember is: it will not be like this forever and there are services that can assist you during this time and after. Take a look at our Youthwatch Trafford Mental Health page for ways to help yourself and ways to find local help – here’s some highlights:
- Kooth is a great online resource, this a place where you can receive online counselling or just talk to a counsellor if you choose. The counsellors are online and available to talk from 12pm during weekdays till 10pm and for weekends it’s 6pm-10pm.
- Mind is a mental health charity. They have lots of information on dealing with mental health, what mental health is and lots more. They also have a helpline where you can call, for free and confidentially, to talk about anything you want to (open 9am-6pm Monday to Friday) Call 0300 123 3393 or see their website
- The NHS website has a lot of information on how to support yourself and helpful services, helpline and apps.
And please remember!
Despite this strange and confusing time, you are not alone, as:
Thanks to Disney!
So stay healthy and stay safe!
Thanks for reading, Madhia